General Laboratory

Flow paths consumables, fittings & tubing

Flow paths consumables, fittings & tubing

“Chem AS Engineering” Ltd. can offer the most comprehensive range of chemical and drug reference standards to meet all today’s analytical laboratory needs. The standards are with high quality, produced by renowned manufacturer and are supplied with certificates, according ISO or Guide 34 requirements.

Solvent safety

“Chem AS Engineering” Ltd. by Kinesis can offer a range of KX VaporSafe systems’ products. KX VaporSafe is designed to minimize VOC emission into the HPLC and UHPLC laboratory. 

Liquid Handling

Liquid Handling

  • Pipettes, pipette tips/ PD tips
  • Pipette standsv  Dispensers/Burettes
  • Pipetting Aids
Microplates, “PCR” products, deep “well plates” and sealing solutions

Microplates, “PCR” products, deep “well plates” and sealing solutions



  • Cuvettes
  • Cuvette stands
  • Pastor pipettes
  • Parafilm

Product range