Liquid chromatography (LC)

Detector Lamps UV and Visible

“Chem AS Engineering” Ltd, as the exclusive Bulgarian distributor for Kinesis, has possibility to supply only the  exact equivalent spares for the leading companies’ instruments. 


Hollow-cathode lamps

“Chem AS Engineering” Ltd, as the exclusive Bulgarian distributor for Kinesis, has possibility to supply only the  exact equivalent spares for the leading companies’ instruments. 



“Chem AS Engineering” Ltd. offers the new TELOS brand HPLC columns, manufactured by Kinesis. TELOS columns have undeniable advantages of the best commercially available high purity silica’s with the proprietary unique bonding chemistries employed to produce a family of bonded phases. 


Consumables &Spares

Consumables &Spares for: Autosamplers, Pumps, Detectors-flow cells, lamps; Degassers-tubings, seals; Solvent cabinet-solvent filters, frits


Product range